Chapter 3 moves to the first popular movement in US history, Bacon’s Rebellion. The rebellion comprised white frontiersmen, Black people, and other discontents on the margins of Virginia society. The rebels were motivated by the believed corruption and inefficiency of the colonial governor, by the high taxes levied against them, and most importantly, by a perceived policy of toleration towards Indigenous peoples who lived on the other side of the Virginia frontier. Chapter 3 argues that Bacon’s rebellion and his “Declaration of the People” represented a struggle between impoverished frontiersmen and the wealthy, cosmopolitan, coastal elite who administered the colony. But the rebellion was cut short. Chapter 3 highlights how by turning white against Black and both against Indigenous people, disenfranchised people of various ethnicities could not organize against the rich.
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The purpose of this webpage is to provide the instructions and course material to successfully complete the required tasks. If you have any questions please check out the instructional videos or contact the instructor.