Social Studies
Social Studies is the study of history, geography, civics, sociology, economics, and other social science subjects, especially in K-12 education. U.S. American National Council for the Social Studies asserts that social studies are the "integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence." Social studies are commonly recognized as a set of courses taught in k-12 education; however, it may also refer to the study of human societies at post-secondary and tertiary schools around the globe. Courses are interconnected and draw upon various fields, including sociology but also political science, history, economics, religious studies, geography, psychology, anthropology, and civics. In middle and high school, the social studies curriculum becomes more discipline-based and content-specific. Social studies vary greatly (as a subject) between societies and curricula and are not synonymous with sociology or social science. Social studies courses often consist of a general and opinion-led discussion of topics regarding current research.