Academic Eligibility
- Eligibility standards imply the philosophy that regular academic study is the first priority of the individual student.
- Eligibility standards will be rigidly enforced for all activities.
- Harrison/Willow Creekwill follow the MHSA guidelines.
- Students must have a 2.75 cumulative to nine weeks.*
- Students failing in a honor roll subjects will be ineligible regardless of G.P.A.
- Grades will be reviewed on a weekly basis each Monday.
- Students may not participate in games if they are declared ineligible due to their academic eligibility.
- Students who are academically ineligible may practice at the coach’s discretion.
- A student is not eligible for three consecutive weeks, or a combination of four weeks during the same season, the student will be ineligible to participate in that activity for the remainder of the season.
- Grades checks at the end of the quarter will count for the first two weeks of the new quarter.
* Students that do not meet the 2.75 G.P.A. will be addressed on a case by case basis. Students giving his/her best effort will be reviewed for exemption from this rule. However, students must be passing all classes, no exceptions.
Training Rules
- Use or possession of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs is illegal and is forbidden.
- The penalties for violations are as follows:
- First Offense: the use or possession of any of the above shall result in a suspension from all extra-curricular activities for 45 calendar days.
- Second Offense: will result in suspension for one (1) calendar year. The student must also successfully complete an approved substance abuse or tobacco cessation program at his or her own expense.
- Third Offense: will result in permanent suspension for the remainder of one’s high school career.
- Being in the proximity (conscious decision to remain in a situation where peers are using drugs/alcohol or tobacco) will result in a suspension from all activities for a period of 10 school days.
- Students who receive a citation for possession will be suspended immediately pending a hearing before the Board of Trustees as only the Trustees can invoke the above suspensions.
- All students will receive Due Process and be allowed to state their case before the Board of Trustees. The final decision in these issues lies with the Board.
- Students who are not in class for seven periods are not allowed to play or practice that day unless the principal grants approval.
- Students must be in school for seven periods on Friday to participate on Saturday, unless approval is granted by the administration.
- Athletes have must participate in all practices and be on time. If missing a practice due to illness a doctor’s note must be obtained. Offensives are as follows:
- First Offense: one meet suspension.
- Second Offense: two meets suspension.
- Third Offense: released from team.
- Neat and clean clothing; shirts with collars, slacks, skirts or dresses will be worn at all home and away games.
- All clothes worn must meet student dress code regulations. Individual coaches may set specific dress regulations.
- Night before activities - 10:00 p.m. or one half hour after the last activity.
- Penalty: suspension from the next day’s scheduled activities. The student will attend (but not participate in) scheduled home activities during the suspension period.
- Individual coaches will set hours and penalties for other nights.
Class Time
- Students will not be excused from classes to practice or to work on co-curricular activities without prior approval from the administration.
Athletic Affiliation
- Harrison/Willow Creek is a member of the Montana High School Association Western Division Class C schools.
- Each participating student is required to carry medical insurance at his/her own expense.
Non-Participant Activity Attendance
- Non-participating students may attend out-of-town activities during school hours in which the school is a participant, if permission is obtained from the administration.
- Written permission from parents, naming a responsible adult chaperone is to be submitted to the office prior to their leaving.
- All rules applicable to school are applicable while attending any school-sponsored event.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Student-Athlete Return From Away Games with Family/Friends
- Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are able to take their student-athlete home after away games; all that is needed is a parent/guardian's signature on a sigh-out sheet (which will be provided).
- If a non-parent(s)/guardian(s) is taking a student-athlete home after an away game, permission must be obtained from the administration at least 24 hours before the bus leaves the school.